


Range19 has conducted security audits and surveys at a myriad of mining operations worldwide, designing and evaluating security systems along with training personnel in the process. Due to their high risk and volatility, mining sites require the installation of the highest quality hardware that can be acquired in order to ensure proper functionality. We make sure any security needs that need to be incorporated early on are done so during the planning phase to avoid retrofitting that can spike security costs 25-50%. In addition, we perform periodic internal audits and implement proper controls and security to mitigate risks like embezzlement and employee theft.

In order to protect life, ensure safety and protect company assets, anyone engaged to provide security services in the mining sector needs to be mindful of the myriad unique security challenges. For example, there are a host safety issues, including hazards, potential injuries and damage, which need to be addressed. One must also be aware of and manage issues such as site-access compliance, including company inductions, accommodation camp management, emergency response and so on.

External to the day-to-day running of the operation, one must also plan for, monitor and manage issues such as protestor activity, including threats to the operation from a wide variety of people ranging from environmental groups through to potential terrorist threats, as well as managing any number of confrontations that can erupt between internal and external groups on any given day.

Whilst these issues to some extent confront the industry as a whole, the very nature of the fact that the mining locations are outside the mainstream population areas significantly contributes to the logistical challenge of service delivery. The remoteness of these sites and limited combined with the high risk associated with the operational processing of the industry sectors, access control and security management, is critical to ensuring the safety of all personnel on site. One can begin to develop a picture of scope and magnitude of what is involved in running a security operation in the mining sector.


Our services for the mining industry include:

  • Security audits and surveys that include, but are not limited to: General Security, Process Plant Security, Milling Operations, Gravity Recovery, Flotation Recovery Security, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Design, Access Control Design, Physical Accountability of Product, Shipment of Product, Storage of Product, Key Control, Security Lighting
  • Safeguarding uranium mines and providing perimeter and warehouse security
  • Security system design enables the implementation of appropriate protection for your vault, refinery and other high risk areas
  • Theft investigations and employee screening lead to early detection and prevention of embezzlement and employee theft
  • Project management allows the incorporation of security needs during the design of the project to ensure proper security will take place at the time of commissioning
  • Security officer training